由于CT机X线管的价格昂贵 ,且使用寿命有限 ,因此如何延长X线管的使用年限就成为每个医疗单位非常关注的问题。本文以PHILIPS -350型CT机为例 ,着重从CT机的合理使用和X线管的维修等方面 ,简要介绍一些延长X线管寿命的经验和体会。
It has became a very much concerned problem for every hospital to know how to prolong the service life-span of X-ray tube in CT machine, as its price is very high and its life-span is limited. Taking PHILIPS-350 CT in our hospital as an example, we briefly introduce our experiences to prolong the life-span of X-ray tube, focusing mainly on how to use CT reasonably and maintain X-ray tube correctly.
Information of Medical Equipment