根据国外吸气式超声速战术导弹一体化外形设计取得的最新进展 ,着重分析了这类导弹外形设计的特点和技术关键 ,提出了吸气式远程超声速防空导弹一体化外形设计中应解决好的几个重大技术问题 ,以期引起各方对吸气式防空导弹总体设计中有关问题的关注和讨论 。
According to the current progress of overseas integrated configuration design of air breathing supersonic missiles,characteristic and key points of configuration design of such missiles are analyzed,as well as several important technical questions are introduced in this paper.Purpose of this paper is to raise wide dis cussion and attention about the related issues in the design of air breathing surface to air missiles and to find out an efficient way of solution.
Modern Defence Technology