

A Method of Encoding/Decoding for Optical CDMA
摘要 提出了非相干光纤码分多址 (OCDMA)接入的一种新技术———快速跳跃波长时扩编解码一种实现方法 ,经过超连续发生器后展宽了锁定激光器输出的脉冲光谱 ,然后又经波长选择时延装置将这个脉冲编码 ,利用快速跳跃时扩方法 ,在接收端 ,匹配滤波器解码 ,恢复原来数据。通过一个实验说明这个方法的有效性 ,传输数据l-Gb/s,采用单模色散位移光纤 ,传输距离为 15km ,这个方法并不需要快速波长可调光源。 This paper demonstrate a new technique for implementation of fast wavelength-hopping incoherent optical code-division multiple-access(CDMA). The output pulse from a mode lockes laser is spectrally broadened through supercontinuum generation. This pulse is then encoded into fast wavelength-hooped time-spread waveforms through a wavelength-selective time-delay device. At the receiver, matched-filter decoding is usesd to recover data.A 1-Gb/s digital transmisson experiment shows its effciency through a 15-km dispersion-shitfed(DS) single-mode fiberink. This technique avoids the need for a fast wavedength tunable optical source.
出处 《东北电力学院学报》 2002年第1期27-29,13,共4页 Journal of Northeast China Institute of Electric Power Engineering
关键词 OCDMA 解码 模式锁定激光器 光码分多址 光处理 编码 光纤通信 Mode locked laser Optical CDMA Optical processing.
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