为研究叶片流道内旋涡的产生与运动 ,测量了某一叶片的流场 ,考察了其流场的对称性、周期性和其他特性 ,校验了实验设备和测试手段的精确性 ,特别对旋涡运动的机理及旋涡与能量损失间的关系进行了探讨 ,并显示了产生、发展的具体过程。本文对此作了介绍。图 17参
For the purpose of studying the formation and propagation of vortices in claddings, the flow field around a certain blade has been probed and its symmetry, periodicity studied together with other characteristics, the preciseness of the lab facilities and test devices calibrated, the mechanism of vortex movements and the relation between vortices and energy losses deliberated, while additionally disclosing the actual process of their formation and development. The paper presents an overall introduction to the topic. Figs 17 and refs 4
Power Equipment