柘林水电厂扩建的二台机组 ,目前是江西单机容量最大的水力发电机组。模型水轮机目击验收试验表明 ,水轮机能量特性、空化特性和飞逸特性均满足合同规定要求。由于种种原因 ,压力脉动试验有个别工况点未能达到合同的保证值。
The two extended units in Zhelin Hydropower plant are the largest one-unit power hydraulic generating sets at present in Jiangxi province. The hydralic turbine model witness acceptance test shows that the energy, the cavitation and the runaway characteristics all have reached the requirements in the contract. However, for some reasons, one or two operating condition data in pressure fluctuaton test can't achieve the requirement.
Jiangxi Electric Power