用CFX4.3软件对HW -XBY型细粉分离器进行气固两相流仿真模拟 ,得到了分离器内部的流场结构、压力分布以及在 15—12 0 μm之间正态分布颗粒轨迹 ,分析了模拟结果中影响分离效率及电耗的因素 ,认为CFX4.3为细粉分离器改型设计提供了一个良好的分析平台。
The simulation of air-coal powder stream in HW-XBY fine powder separator by CFX4.3, shows the flow field, the pressure, and the traces of 15-120μm particle in cyclone, analyses the factors being relative with efficiency and electrical consume, and draws the conclusion that the CFX4.3 is a perfect software for the fine powder separator technical designing.
Shandong Electric Power