以Si、Mn、Cr为主要合金元素 ,加入少量Mo、V、Ti、B、Y进行微合金化和变质处理 ,在空冷淬火条件下 ,获得了综合性能优良的贝氏体组织 ,用于制造研磨煤粉的破碎机锤头和球磨机衬板 ,使用寿命比高锰钢提高 3~ 5倍 ,可明显提高研磨设备运转率 。
Low alloy bainitic cast steel containing suitable Si,Mn and Cr and trace amount of Mo,V,Ti,B and Y has high hardness and toughness in air quenching.Breeze crushing machine hammer head and ball mill liner made from low alloy bainitic steel have long service life,its service life is 3~5 times longer than high maganese steel's.In addition,while using bainitic cast steel hammer head and liner,running ratio of equipment is increased and the cost crushing breeze is decreased.
Coal Mine Machinery