根据雷达信号分析理论 ,提出从雷达视频端的目标回波加干扰信号中分离出目标回波信号的方法 ,并提出从雷达视频端的噪声幅度反推出接收机输出端噪声方差的方法 ,进而提出从视频端分别采集的目标回波加噪声信号和纯噪声信号中分析出雷达接收机输出端真实信噪比的方法。
According to the theory of radar signal analysis, a method is put forward which separates the radar echo wave signal turned from the target from the mixture of radar echo wave with jamming signal at the video terminal of radar, and a method is also put forward by which the noise variance at the output terminal of the radar's receiver is cable to infered from the amplitude of the noise at the video terminal of radar. As the result, a way is acquired which reasons out the actual SNR(signal noise ratio) at the output terminal of the radar's receiver from the pure noise and the mixture of echo wave with noise sampling respectively at the video terminal of radar.