目的 探讨胃泌素和胆囊收缩素 (CCK)对胆管癌细胞凋亡阈值的调节作用。方法 以白僵菌素 (40 μmol/L× 1 2h)为凋亡诱导剂 ,末端标记 (TUNEL)技术检测胃泌素 (Gastrin) 1 7或CCK 8S(1 0 - 8mol/L× 48h)预处理后QBC939胆管癌细胞诱发性凋亡指数 (AI)的变化及反义bcl 2寡核苷酸转染 (1 .32mg/L)的影响。结果 Gastrin 1 7或CCK 8S预处理使AI显著降低 ,与对照组比较 ,差异有显著性 (P <0 .0 1 ) ,同时加入Gastrin/CCK B受体拮抗剂L365 ,2 60或转染反义bcl 2寡核苷酸可逆转 ,与相应Gastrin 1 7或CCK 8S组比较 ,差异有显著性 (P <0 .0 1 )。结论 胃泌素和CCK具有提高凋亡阈值、抑制胆管癌细胞凋亡的作用 ,其机制与上调bcl
Objective To investigate the effects of gastrin and CCK on the threshold for apoptosis in cholangiocarcinoma cells.Methods TUNEL technique was applied to detect the changes of beauvericin induced (40?μmol/L×12?h) apoptotic indices (AI) in QBC939 cells exposed to gastrin 17 or CCK 8S and the effect of bcl 2 antisense oligonucleotide transfection.Results The AIs in cells exposed to gastrin 17 or CCK 8S (10 -8 ?mol/L×48?h) were decreased significantly (P<0.01) as compared with controls,and addition of gastrin/CCK B receptor antagonist L365,260 (10 -8 ?mol/L) or transfection of bcl 2 antisense oligonucleotide (1.32?mg/L) simultaneously could block this action of gastrin 17 or CCK 8S (P<0.01).Conclusion Gastrin and CCK are able to increase the threshold of cholangiocarcinoma cell for apoptosis,and the mechanism is associated with up regulation of bcl 2 expression.
Chinese Journal of Experimental Surgery
国家自然科学基金资助项目( 396 70 711)