猞猁 (FelisLynx)属食肉目猫科动物 ,在我国主要分布在东北、华北、青藏高原等地 ,近年来由于森林资源的大量开发 ,严重地破坏了生态平衡 ,特别是由于无限制地猎取野兔 ,使其食物链巨减 ,因此 ,各地猞猁种群明显下降。我们利用三阶抽样法 ,查清了东北地区猞猁种群的分布及数量情况。结果表明 ,东北地区猞猁分布区域只剩下大小兴安岭及长白山部分地区 ,总栖息面积仅有 2 0 0 0 0 0km2 ,平均密度为0 .0 1 32 38只 /km2 ,既每 75km2 有 1只 ,数量不到 30 0 0只 ,种群处于极其濒危状态 ,应禁止任何理由的猎捕利用 ,严加保护并采取一切措施 。
Felis lynx,belonging to the cat family,carnivore order,is distributed mainly in the northeast,north and Qinghai-xizang Plateau,etc,in China. In the recant years,the population of Felis lynx has obviously declined because of the decrease of hare amount caused by the destruction of ecological balance.The distribution and quantity of Felis lynx population in the northeast have been found out by the three-stage sampling method.The results showed that the distribution regions of Felis lynx in the northeast is only in the Daxinganling and parts of Changbaishan mountains,only with a total area of 200,000 sguare kilometre and an average density of 0.013238 head/km 2,i.e. one head per 75 km 2,and the quantity is less than 3 000 heads and the population is in an extremely imminent danger.Therefore,it is necessary to forbid any hunt,protect it closely and recover wild population as quickly as qossible by means of various measures.
Special Wild Economic Animal and Plant Research