目的 探讨干扰素辅助治疗抽动障碍 (TD)的临床疗效和细胞免疫功能。方法 将 40例患儿按病例编号分为常规组和干扰素组各 2 0例。常规组采用氟哌啶醇、泰必利及安定类药物治疗 ;干扰素组予氟哌啶醇加α2 1b干扰素 (每次 10 0万U ,肌肉注射 ,隔天 1次 )治疗 ,共观察 8周 ,并设 2 0例健康儿童为对照组。采用流式细胞仪测定细胞免疫功能。比较实验前后的临床疗效和免疫功能变化。结果 TD患儿细胞免疫功能明显低于健康对照组。治疗 8周末 ,干扰素组 (10例 )外周血T淋巴细胞亚群和自然杀伤细胞活性较实验前有明显改善 ,治疗有效率为 90 % ,明显高于常规组 (60 % ,χ2 =4 8,P <0 0 5 )。结论 细胞免疫功能紊乱可能与TD有关。干扰素辅助治疗TD ,疗效肯定。
Objective To explore the efficacy of interferon(IFN)as a complementary way in treating tic disorder(TD).Methods Forty children with tic disorder(TD) were enrolled into the study.20 patients were treated with Haloperidol, Tiapiride, and clonazepam(Routine group),while the other group(INF group)was treated with Haloperidol and IFN (1×10 6U/dose,im,qod)for 8 weeks.20 healthy children were served as control group. The cell immune function was measured by flow cytometry.Results The cell immune function in children with TD was significantly depressed,compared with that in control group.Following the therapy,the levels of lymphocytic subsets,NKC in peripheral blood were increased in 10 cases of IFN group. The efficacy rate was 90% in IFN group, which was significantly higher than that in routine group(60%,χ\+2=4 8,P<0 01).Conclusion Our study indicated that TD may be related to disorders in cell immune function.IFN was effective as a complementary way in treating TD.
Chinese Journal of Practical Pediatrics