目的 :探索一种新的以病人为中心的留观日间病房诊疗模式的价值。方法 :在病区设置留观病床 ,将病情需要密切观察或需要包括静脉用药在内的综合系统治疗。结果 :开展留观病房业务 13年 ,病人逐年增多 ,病种涉及儿科多系统疾病及危重急救性疾病。结论 :留观诊疗模式可以获得与普通住院病人相同的医疗服务和医护质量。
Objective: To found the medical service value of a newly, connecting patients, diagnosis treat model of the pediatric intra day ward. Methods: The intra day wards were mounted in the pediatrics department. The children, who need to be kept close watch on fickle states of illness or to accept the comprehensive treatments. Results:The intra day ward should be unfolded for 13 years, the quantity of the patients annually grows, the case kind involves many system diseases and the dangerous, the heavy diseases.Conclusion: The diagnosis treat model of the pediatric intra day ward could get the same medical service and the medical treatment and nursing quality like the common inpatient.
Hospital Administration Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army