随着医疗改革的深入 ,由于文化素养、法制观念和利益驱动等因素的影响 ,在医疗系统中出现了不少医疗文书不实及要求更改医疗信息的现象。病人就医实行实名制已成为值得医疗系统和社会关注的问题。本文就病人就医过程中存在的不真实现象的原因、表现形式。
With the development of the medical reform, and influence by literature, law consciousness and benefit, a lot of fake medical records and changing records appesrs. Hospitalization with true name becomes more and more noticeable. In this article, the author discusses the reason, appearance and preventive measures of these untrue phenomena.
Hospital Administration Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army