以耐盐性不同的材料为亲本配置 10个F1双列杂交组合 ,在一定盐胁迫处理下 ,双亲都为耐盐性强或耐盐性中等的品种 (系 )的杂交组合与双亲都为盐敏感品种的组合相比表现为质膜透性变化小 ,渗透势下降值大 ,双亲中一方为耐盐性强或耐盐性中等的品种 (系 ) ,一方为盐敏感品种 ,其F1各项生理指标介于上两种组合之间。
A five parent diallel crosses were made with salt tolerant and salt sensitive barly cultivars to study the inheritance of salt tolerance. The results indicated that the F 1 Generations were all salt tolerant when both parents were salt tolerant; it was sensitive when both parents were sensitive. When a salt tolerant cultivar was crossed whth a sensitive one, or vice versa the F 1 generation was moderate salt tolerance.
Barley Science