由于采气井口内气、液的不断冲刷 ,温度、压力、振动、硫化氢腐蚀、日晒雨淋、闸阀的频繁开关和其本身的加工精度与质量等因素的影响 ,使采气井口不可避免地发生密封失效问题 ,严重威胁着天然气井的正常生产。文章分析了采气井口密封失效的原因 ,介绍了在不影响正常生产的动态条件下 ,消除密封失效的操作技术 ,论述了采气井口法兰泄漏、1、2和 3号闸阀泄漏及其以内本体砂眼泄漏、特殊四通顶丝泄漏、套管头密封问题及CQ型改制替换CYb型闸阀的具体方法。
For the influencing of some factors on gas producing wellhead,such as:scouring of gas and liquid,temperature,pressure,vibration,hydrogen sulfide corrosion and frequent opening and closing gate valve etc.,the problem of gas producing wellhead seal failure is inevitablly occured.It has affected the normal production of gas well.The paper analyses the causes of seal failure for gas producing wellhead,presents the operation technique of eliminating seal faiure,discusses the flange leakage of gas producing wellhead,No.1,2,3 gate valve leakage,special cross jackscrew leakage and casing head sealing etc.problems.And the specific methods of using CQ type gate valve displacing CYb gate valve is presented.
Drilling & Production Technology