根据石油行业放射性测井工作的安全需要 ,研制了放射性源状态监测仪。仪器通过实时监测放射性源对周围环境的辐射量来判断放射性源所处的状态 ,并能自动予以声、光报警。文章介绍了仪器的组成和功能 ,阐述了仪器的硬件和软件设计思想。实际使用证明 ,该仪器监测准确度高 ,性能稳定 ,使用方便。
In order to meet the safety requirement of radioactivity logging of oil industry, the radioactive source status monitor is developed. Through measuring the radiation quantity around surroundings where radioactive source is placed, it estimates the status of radioactive source automatically, and gives an alarm of light and sound. This paper introduces the compose and function of the instrument, the hardware principle and software method. The practical application shows that it is accurate, stable, and convenient.
Petroleum Instruments