本文讨论《酒国》的特点及其在当代文学史上的意义。《酒国》是莫言最少被人注意的作品 ,实际却潜藏着其创作发展变化的许多信息。此前将莫言称为魔幻现实主义是有道理的 ,但《酒国》在以下三方面有明显的突破 :首先 ,作者忧国伤时的情绪非常浓厚 ;其次 ,作品中象征主义“似非而是”的特征引人注目 ;最后 ,结构上主导情节不断被打断、搁置而造成的朦胧效果相当强烈。总之 ,《酒国》似雾似水又似风 ,读之 ,使人想笑想哭又想诉 ,不愧为新时期文坛一部奇作。
Unlike Mo Yan's other novels, 'Alcohol Country' has not been caused a sensation. That is not because the novel is bad, but because it is very queer, so that reader have to think it over for a long, long time. The queer includes three aspects: A, intentional stop in narration; B, dense-sense symbolism; C, sympathy. It is the three aspects that make the novel become the pioneer work in the turning point and distillation in the course of Mo Yan's creation. Probably 'Alcohol Country' is not the best novel, but it is the newest style one and contains various developing possibilities in the future.
Journal of Zhanjiang Normal College