酒神精神教人超脱生命 ,正视人生痛苦 ,在痛苦中获得悲剧性陶醉。魏连殳是在“五四”新文化运动的春之来临和启蒙主义之催眠药中觉醒的知识分子。其反叛精神在当时的中国被视为异类而被攻击和驱逐。他只能凭借酒神的方式 ,挣扎长嚎、倒戈反击 ,最后用灵魂的自我毁灭判定了世界的不可救赎性质。这源于鲁迅灵魂深处的“鬼气” :一种混杂着清醒、失望、惶惑、痛苦的孤立感。这便注定了一场命运悲剧 :绝对的孤独 。
The spirit of the wine god makes people detach trom life? Wei Liansu was such an intelligent awaked by the May 4th cultural movement and the enlighten ment . His revolt spirit was regarded as the dissident and was attacked and driven away . Only could he rely on the living way of the wine god to struggle, to yell and to fight back . Finally , his self-ruined soul has proved that the world could not be saved. And that was from the deep soul of Luxun , his 'phantom'?This led to the tragedy of adsolute loneliness and struggling in vain.
Journal of Zhanjiang Normal College