文学的嬗变 ,既表现为风格的流变、创作技艺的日臻成熟 ,也体现为情感的丰富与变迁。历代文人都给予了王昭君特殊的关注 ,歌咏她的诗歌 ,形成了一道独特的风景。相对而言 ,六朝诗人多“怜其远嫁” ;唐代文人多伤其“不遇” ;宋人则多慰其失落 ;元代以后人们多颂其功业。在这一过程中 ,汉晋以来所确立的哀怨情怀逐渐被消解。这种情感的变迁是和时代思潮的演进。
The transmutation of literature,can be realized by the variation of writing styles,the maturity of writting skrills and the vicisstudes and plentitude of emotions.For ages,scholars have paid close attetnion to WANG Zhao-jun.The poetry paying tribute to her has become a particular literature style.Comparatively speaking,the peots in Six Dynasties showed their interest on her marrige so far; in Tang Dynasty,the poets showed their mercy on her falling out of favour;while in Yuan Dynasty,the poets paid high tribute to her great achievements.During this process,the grief colour in the poems which had been formed since Han Dynasty & Jin Dynarst,dispelled gradually.This kind of vicissitude of emotions is closely connected with evolutions of ideological trends of ages,the changing of social enviroment and scholars'feelings.
Journal of Leshan Normal University