人与物、人与自然环境的和谐关系是当今人类关心的热点问题之一。本文主要以环境设计作为中心 ,以人与自然环境的三个时期为出发点———即原生状态下人与自然的共生关系时期、工业时代人与自然的异化时期、信息时代人与自然的可持续发展时期。分别阐述了人对自然环境的认识和利用 ,重点突出绿色环境设计可持续发展这一主题。
The harmony of man and material,man and envromental is a focus subject.The peper talks about three periods of time of different relationship between man and environment:primitive and agricultural period with natural relationship between man and environment,productive period with unnatural relationship between man and environment,and information period with developing relationship between man and environment.The paper mainly suggests green environmental design in the developing relationship between man and nature.
Journal of Leshan Normal University