目的 探讨穿孔性结直肠癌的临床病理特点 。方法 回顾分析46例穿孔性结直肠癌的临床症状、病理特点、治疗方法及疗效 。结果 46例穿孔性结直肠癌的手术切除率为97.83% ,手术死亡率为8.69 % ,术后5年生存率为DukesB期70.32 % ,DukesC期41.74% ,DukesD期2.54% 。 结论 结直肠癌的穿孔并非不良预后因素 。
Objective To study the clinical pathological characteristics of perforative colonrectal carcinoma. Methods in 46 Patients Retrospect the clinical symptom, pathological characteristics,therapy and effect. Results The rescetion rate was 97.83% in 46 perforative colonrectal carcinoma. Operative mortality was 8.69%. 5 year survival rate was 70.32% in Dukes B, 41.74% in Dukes C, 2.54% in Dukes D. Conclution Perforation in colonrectal carcinoma is not bad prognosis factor. Treatment shpuld strive for radical resection united chemotherapy.
Zhejiang Clinical Medical Journal