目的 :对分裂样精神病的归属进行探讨。方法 将住院诊断为分裂样精神病病例中快速缓解的 82例与非快速缓解的 6 0例进行临床、疗效和预后、疾病转归等方面的追踪随访。结果 分裂样精神病有其自身特点 ,起病急 ,病程短 ,病前有诱因 ,阳性症状为主 ,病情缓解快 ,疗效佳 ,社会功能恢复良好等。但快速缓解与非快速缓解组在一些临床特点尤其疾病转归方面有差异。结论 分裂样精神病是否可以考虑设立为独立疾病单元 ;观察其是否会发展成精神分裂症需较长时间为妥。
Objective: To investigate the development of the inpatients with schizophreniform psychosis.Methods The inpatients were divided by two groups,one group of 82 patients remitted rapidly and another including of 60 patients non-rapidly remitted.The clinical presentation,therapeutic result,prognosis and development of the two groups of patients were followed-up and compared.Results The patients with schizophreniform psychosis had some characters,such as abrupt onset,short duration,presenting precipitating factors,mainly the positive symptoms,attenuated rapidly,good therapeutic effectiveness,better social function after remittance.But the two groups of patients had some differences in the development.Conclusions Schizophreniform psychosis might be set as an independent unit of mental disorder.Longer time will be needed if we want to observe whether the patients develop to schizophrenia.The composition of the schizophreniform psychosis and the inherent relationship with the affective disorder should be continued to study.
Medical Journal of Chinese Civil Administration