北欧(斯堪的纳维亚)设计风格是近百年来,尤其是20世纪50年代以来,在世界范围内日益赢得“好的设计”、“经典设计” 赞誉的代名词。早在20世纪伊始,它们独具风格的设计就已为人所发觉:简洁、明快、朴素、优雅、具有良好的功能并体与人性化特征。20世纪以来,逐渐成为世界设计史上的重要部分。本文就北欧设计的总体特征及各国的风格进行了分析介绍,以期对推动21世纪中国民族设计的复兴有所帮助。
The style of Scandinavia design has been regarded as Good Design, Perfect Design since the last century, especially since the last 50 years of the 20th century. The particular style in the world: clear, comfortable, simple, graceful, functional and humane. The following paper introduces and analyzes the style and speciality of Scandinavia helping renew the national design of China.
Furniture & Interior Design