安琪酵母股份有限公司是中国乃至亚洲最大的酵母生产企业 ,被国家授予高新技术企业 ,其发展速度和取得的成就令世人瞩目。经过10多年的发展 ,安琪公司已形成三大优势———品牌优势、技术优势和市场优势。2000年安琪酵母上市 ,成为酵母第一股 ;2001年投产的15000吨干酵母生产线 ,不仅创造了深圳建设速度 ,而且其生产工艺和现代化水平世界领先 ,干酵母生产线为世界之最 ;其袖珍级酵母广场空前绝后 ,世界绝无仅有 ;“安琪”被国家确定为“中国驰名商标” ;经国家人事部批准 ,湖北安琪酵母股份有限公司博士后科研工作站于2002年3月正式挂牌 ,聘请了4名客座研究员和30多名技术顾问 ;确定了今后的发展目标———做国际化。
Angel Yeast Co.Ltd is the largest yeast-making enterprise in China and even in Asia,and it has been entitled as high-tech enterprise by the government,and its burgeoning development and the accomplishment has become the focus of mediums. The enterprise after ten-year′s development now possess three advantages: brand advantage, technique advantage and marketing advantage. In year 2000, the enterprise successfully came into the stock market and started the stock history in yeast-making industry. The dry yeast production line of 15,000 tons, which put into operation in 2001, is the largest production line in the world and its production techniques and modernization levels are also at the top in this field. The miniature yeast square developed by the enterprise is also a unique creation. 'Angel' brand is identified by the government as 'Chinese Famous Brand'. Authorized by national ministry of personnel, the enterprise has established scientific research lab for postdoctors in March 2002 and four guest researchers and more than thirty technical consultants were employed. The enterprise has determined its development objective-to be a specialized and an international major company.(Tran.by YUE Yang)
Liquor-Making Science & Technology