以根霉CS825为酯化菌 ,采用不同培养基 ,就常法和固定化方法对其己酸乙酯的酯化条件进行了研究 ,结果表明 ,固定化细胞的酯化效果不理想 ;用有机溶剂处理菌体细胞 ,有机相酯化2天 ,己酸乙酯酯化率可达98 % ,在无溶剂相系统中酯化30天 ,酯化率可达70 %以上。后者酯化速率虽慢 ,但后处理工艺简单 ,不会将有机溶剂的敏感气味带入酒中 。
Rhizopus CS825 was used as esterifying bacteria and the esterification of its ethyl caproate was studied through routine method and immobilization method respectively by the utiliztion of different culture mediums. The results indicated that the esterification of immobilized cells was unsatisfactory. Thallus cells, managed by organic solvent and two-day organic phase esterification, the esterification rate of its ethyl caproate could achieve 98 % and it could achieve 70 % if managed by thirty-day esterification in solventless phase system. The latter method took comparatively longer esterification period but its final treatment techniques were easier and simple to operate and it would not bring into the sensitive aroma of organic solvent, so it was the optimal choice in liquor production.(Tran.by YUE Yang)
Liquor-Making Science & Technology