安琪葡萄酒酵母在多种果酒中应用。从最先成功的挂月雪梨酒推广到现有的草莓酒、李子酒、杏酒、桃酒等水果酒。每一种果酒都经过小试中试 ,结果表明 ,经安琪葡萄酒酵母酿制而成的果酒 ,酒体丰满 ,醇厚 ,具典型的水果香气 ,保留了原有水果的各种营养成分。深受广大消费者青睐。其中挂月雪梨酒2001年5月29日在天津农科院召开了技术鉴定会 ,受到与会专家们的一致好评 ,打出了百分制92分的好成绩 。
Angel brand grape wine yeast was applied extensively in several fruit wine brewing covering the initial Guayue snowplow wine to the current fruit wine such as strawberry wine, plum wine, apricot wine and peach wine etc. The test application in each kind of fruit wine suggested that the application of Angel brand grape wine yeast in fruit wine brewing could not only keep the nutritious components of the original fruits but also make the wine pure and mellow with typical fruit aroma. These wines were popular among consumers. Among them, Guayue snowplow wine got favorable comments from experts at the technique appraisal conference in Tianjin ASA (Agricultural Sciences Academy) in May 29, 2001 and achieved the score of 92 (centisimal system). Besides, the direct economic profits of this kind of wine for just one more year was as high as more than 0.8 million RMB.(Tran.by YUE Yang)
Liquor-Making Science & Technology
fruit wine
grape wine yeast