瞿秋白早期文艺思想分 3个阶段形成 :五四运动前后他就有了朴素的文学反映论观点 ;首次旅俄期间 ,他的现实主义创作观初步确立 ;第一次归国后 ,他对以前的文艺观作了反思 ,对艺术的起源、性质、功能、价值等作了全面梳理 ,终于构成了其文艺思想的理论雏型。
Qu Qiuba's incipient thought on literature and art was formed in three periods. Around the May 4 th Movement of 1919, he had already had a simple view of literary reflection. His realistic writing style initially shaped up during his first trip to Russia. When he returned to the motherland for the first time, he rethought about his previous view on literature and art, and reconsidered from all aspects the origin, nature, function and value of art, and finally formed the theoretical rudiments of Qu Qiubai's thought on literature and art on which his incipient thought exerted a great impact.
Journal of Huzhou University