凌初《初刻拍案惊奇》与《二刻拍案惊奇》(简称“两拍”) ,是我国文学史上最早由文人独立创作的拟话本小说集。然“两拍”的明·尚友堂原刊足本在国内长期湮没无闻 ,《初刻拍案惊奇》的各种清刊本又残缺不全 ,《二刻拍案惊奇》甚至没有清刊本 ,因此对“两拍”的研究相对滞后。直到 2 0世纪 ,“两拍”的明刊本才由访书、访学于日本的学者发现、引回。文章考述了“两拍”的各种版本 ,并重点介绍了其明刊本及从邻邦日本引回后的影印本和经学者整理。
The two books simplified as 'Er Pai' written by Ling Mengchu are the earliest collections of short stories modeled script for story-telling in the Chinese literary history. However, the original editions of 'Er Pai' published by Shangyou House of the Ming Dynasty have sunk into oblivion for a long time in our country. The original editions weren't found in Japan and introduced until the 20 th century. The author has researched all kinds of editions, and this paper focuses particularly on the introduction of the original editions, the photolithographic books, and important typographic painting books sorted out and collated by scholars.
Journal of Huzhou University