目前 ,我国国有森林资源总量不足 ,管理失控 ,资源破环、资产流失严重 ,其管理体制上所有者缺位 ,产权虚置 ,运营体制混乱等方面的问题严重制约我国林业的跨越式发展。理顺我国国有森林资源资产委托代理关系 ,重塑其委托代理制度 ,建立健全的激励、约束机制 ,对保证国有森林资源资产的保值增值 ,保护现有国有森林资源以及实现我国林业可持续发展具有十分重要的战略意义。
Presently,the total quantity of the national forest resources is insufficient and it has been out of control.The forest resources have been severely destroyed and the national property has been lost.The problems of the forestry management system,for example,be lack of owner,unreal property rights,disorderly operation,and so on,have restrained the crossed development of our forestry.So its necessary to make the principal-agent system of the national forest resources order and to establish a series of inspiration and controlling principle.Its beneficial to preserve our national forest resources and to make the forestry sustainable development realize.
Issues of Forestry Economics