多媒体教学以其不断完善的人机交互方式和越来越强大的功能 ,吸引着许多人的注意 ,其优势特点已渐渐地体现出来 ,现在运用多媒体教学这一教学方式的教师队伍正不断壮大。网络时代的优势在于跨时空的教学资源共享 ,降低了成本 ,提高了知识的利用价值 ,可以让任何人在任何地点、任何时间学习到最需要的知识 ,因此集合多媒体教学和网络教学双重优势的多媒体网络教学将是现代教育发展的一个重要趋势。
The article started with considering multimedia meshwork teaching to be one of the directions future educations. Involving double advantage of meshwork and multimedia was its characteristic, which had been introduced. Secondly, it stated concisely how to make multimedia meshwork teaching and its general direction. Then it offered some proposal about the course of producing multimedia meshwork teaching courseware, furthermore, it specially made detail discussion and explanation the effect of meshwork transmission as well as broadcasting.
Journal of Fuqing Branch of Fujian Normal University