在体育教学中加强对学生非智力因素的培养是十分重要的。因为学生的学习活动是智力因素与非智力因素相互作用的产物。非智力因素得到发挥 ,将有助于智力因素的发挥和技能水平的提高。体育课是培养学生非智力因素的一条有效途径。但在教学中要充分引导学生的非智力因素 ,教师必须做到四点 :1 .创设情境 ;2 .重视评价 ;3 .开辟第二课堂 ;4.加强理论学习 ,形成独特的教育风格和个性。
It is very important to cultivate students'non-intelligent factors in P.E.lessons Students'learning activity is the result of the intevaction of their intelligent and non-intelligent factors:if non-intelligent factors are put into full play,it is helpfiu to improve students'intelegent skill,P.E.lessons are effective appvoach to cultivate students'non-intelegent factors,teachers of P.E.should do as follows:①create effective environment②pay attention to evaluation③organize outside class activities④keen on theory learning to form their own teaching style.
Journal of Fuqing Branch of Fujian Normal University