档案所有权是档案管理中一个重大的理论问题。档案所有权主体决定档案的收益与否以及如何行使自己的收益权。由于国有档案属于公共信息范畴 ,作为国有档案所有权主体的国家采取无偿使用的原则来行使收益权。
The archival profits and the right of how to use them are decided by the subject of archives ownership. The state, being the subject of ownership of state-owned archives, assumes the principle of using them free of charge in exercising its profit right, because state-owned archives belong in the field of public information. What needed to be pointed out is that both economic profits and social effects gained by social organizations or citizens in making use of archives don't belong to the profit in sense of right of archives ownership.
Shanxi Archives