
一株基因Ⅶ型新城疫病毒的分离及分子鉴定 被引量:15

The Isolation and Molecular Identification of a Genotype Ⅶ NDV Isolate
摘要 从一起新城疫暴发的病例中分离出 1株新城疫病毒 (NDV) ,命名为铜山分离株 (TS)。运用 RT- PCR技术 ,克隆了该分离株 F基因的重要功能片段 (约 0 .5 kb) ,并进行了序列测定。序列分析表明 ,TS分离株在 F蛋白裂解位点的氨基酸顺序为 1 1 2 - R- R- Q- K- R- F1 1 7,与 NDV强毒株特征相符 ,且具有 10 1处的 K(赖氨酸 )和 12 1处 V(缬氨酸 ) 2个特征性氨基酸 ,与基因 型 A strain NDV named TS was isolated successfully in a case of ND.The function region of the fusion gene of the isolate TS was amplified by RT-PCR,and further cloned into pGEM-T vector.The sequence analysis showed that the nucleotide sequences of the fragment were 535 bp.The amino acid sequence of cleavage site region was 112-R-R-Q-K-R-F 117,matching to the virulent NDV strains.The isolate possess K 101 and V 121,which was similar to the characteristic of genotype Ⅶ NDV.
出处 《中国兽医学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第3期216-218,共3页 Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science
关键词 新城疫病毒 RT-PCR Ⅶ型基因 病毒分离 分子鉴定 genotype Ⅶ NDV RT-PCR
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