根据航空工业无损检测人员资格认证工作的实际情况和发展要求 ,从有效利用信息资源和提高行业管理水平的角度阐述了建立航空无损检测授证人员管理信息系统的必要性和紧迫性 ;确定了系统工作目标 ,进行了子系统功能划分及设计 ;在Windows操作环境下 ,选择以Mi crosoftAccess 2 0 0 0为支持数据库、以可视化的VisualBasic 6 .0语言作为编程工具 ,成功地设计、开发了授证人员管理信息系统。
Based on the actual situation and the requirements for the development of the qualification and certification of nondestructive testing (NDT) personnel, the necessity and urgency of setting up the management information system(MIS) were put forward. The goal of the system was defined and functions were divided. Windows platform, Microsoft Access 2000 and Visual Basic 6.0 were selected, and the MIS for qualification and certification of NDT personnel in aeronautical industry was successfully designed and developed.
Nondestructive Testing