目的 了解变黑普里沃菌 (P .n)的基因多态性及其在成人牙周炎 (AP)病变部位与正常部位是否存在基因型的差异。方法 采用随机引物多聚酶链扩增法 (APPCR)用引物OPA - 0 3和OPA - 13对来自 2 1例AP的 4 7株P .n作基因型分析。结果 同一患者口内有 1~ 3种基因型 ,以 1种和 2种为主 ;同一患者病变部位 (P)与正常部位 (H)有 1~ 2种基因型 ,以 1种为主 ;未发现与牙周正常状态相关的特定基因型P .n。结论 变黑普里沃菌是口腔的正常菌群。
Objective To test the DNA polymorphisms of prevotella nigrescens(P.n)isolated from diseased and healthy sites of adult periodontitis patients.Methods The arbitrarily primed polymerase chain reaction was used,with OPA-03 and OPA-13 as primers.The OPA-03 primer AGTCAGCCAC was grouped 45 P.n strains into 9 different genotypes,while OPA-13 CAGCACCCAC divided 47 P.n strains into 9 genotypes.Results There was mainly one or two genotypes of P.n in each subject,and mainly one genotype of P.n in individual diseased and healthy site.Also,several different genotypes of P.n were found in same subject and in same site,No special genotype of P.n which was associated with periodontitis was found.Conclusion P.n is an nornal oral inhabitant.
Journal of Modern Stomatology
国家自然科学基金资助 (编号 :3 93 0 0 14 6)