目的 探讨动脉化静脉皮瓣移植早期微循环主要方式。方法 选用 2 0只新西兰大白兔 ,随机分为实验组 (动脉化静脉皮瓣 )和对照组 (动脉皮瓣 ) ,每组各 10只。应用显微电视系统直接观察兔耳透明窗的方法 ,在放大10 0 0倍下研究动脉化静脉皮瓣微循环血流。结果 动脉化静脉皮瓣动脉血逆行灌注后主要经细静脉之间的交通支汇入回流静脉。结论 血流由细静脉→交通支→细静脉。
Objective To study the forms of microcirculation of arterialized venous flap. Methods Twenty New Zealand rabbits were equally divided into two groups, arterialized venous flap group (group A) and control group (group B). The microcirculatory haemodynamic of arterialized venous flap was studied through observation of transparent chamber in rabbit's ears with aspecial TV set with manification of 1000. Results The blood of arterilized venous flap flowed through venule anastomosis and drained to another venule. Conclusion It is the main form of microcirculation in early stage that blood flows from venule to draining venule by way of communicating networks between venules.
Chinese Journal of Reparative and Reconstructive Surgery