2 0 0 1年 9月初山西晋中某猪场突然发生一种以头部、颈部、躯干、乳房等部位呈现水泡、疹块和皮炎等症状的疾病 ,经过现场调查 ,病理剖解等实验室方法检验综合诊断 ,确诊为猪感光过敏症。患猪经肌肉注射苯海拉明和肾上腺素等综合治疗后取得了一定疗效。
There suddenly allured a disease in JingZhong,shanxi,in earlier september,2001.The disease showed bubbles,rashes,skin inflammation on head,neck,body and even on udder.Through such labboratory ways as the investigation on the spot,dissection,we engaged in a comprehenbive diagnose,made a conclusion that that was hog photosensitivity.At last,we made good results in treating the sick ones.
Journal of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine