通过 1997~ 2 0 0 0年的田间试验 ,分析施用农气 3号、Fa“旱地龙”、保水剂拌种等化学方法与地膜覆盖、农田微集水等物理方法的各种组合在春小麦上的应用情况。结果表明 ,在定西半干旱雨养农业区以畦集水为主配合抗旱剂的集成技术增产效果最好 ,且年际变异小 ,效果稳定 ,即使在特别干旱年份仍然具有稳定的优势 ,是定西半干旱地区最为理想的抑蒸集水抗旱技术。该技术可使春小麦早出苗 4d ,出苗率提高 17~ 18个百分点 ;产量提高 17.6 %~ 72 .8% ;水分利用效率平均提高 3.0 5kg·mm- 1·hm- 2 ,增幅达 39.1%。
The effect of application of chemical method combined with physical method on spring wheat was analyzed by using farmland experiments in 1997~2000. The chemical method was application of Agrometeorology No.3,Fa'Handilong' and water-holding substance mixed with seeds; the physical method was plastic film mulching and field micro-rain water harvesting. The result showed that rain water harvesting by farmland combined with drought-resisting substance obtained a best yield-increasing effect in Dingxi semiarid region and it changed little every year even if in the drought year. So it is the best drought-resisting technology of evaporation-inhibiting and rain water harvesting in Dingxi semiarid region. By using this technology, spring wheat seedling emerged 4 days earlier and the rate of seedling emergence increased by 17%~18%,yield increased by 17.6%~72.8%, water use efficiency increased by 3.05kg·mm -1·hm -2, reached 39.1%.
Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology
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