目的 研究小鼠甲状腺肿发生率与碘的剂量反应关系 ,确定引起小鼠 10 %、5 0 %、90 %甲状腺肿大率的水碘浓度 ,为动物高碘实验选用合适碘剂量提供参考依据。方法 用随机区组实验设计方法将初断乳昆明小鼠随机分为 7组 ,用碘酸钾配制成含碘 5 0μg/L的适碘对照组和 2 5 0 ,5 0 0 ,10 0 0 ,15 0 0 ,2 0 0 0 ,30 0 0μg/L的高碘组 ,喂养 10 0 d后 ,观察各组甲状腺绝对、相对重量 ,组织形态学改变和甲状腺肿发生率。结果 1当水碘浓度在5 0~ 30 0 0 μg/L 之间时 ,甲状腺绝对、相对重量与碘剂量呈明显的正相关 ,2 5 0 μg/L 组与对照比较差异有显著意义 ;2水碘浓度在 2 5 0~ 30 0 0 μg/L 之间时 ,小鼠甲状腺肿大率与碘剂量亦存在明显的正相关关系 ,且引起小鼠10 %、5 0 %、90 %甲状腺肿大率的水碘浓度分别为 2 5 0 ,15 0 0 ,30 0 0 μg/L。结论 饮水碘浓度在 2 5 0~ 30 0 0 μg/L时 ,甲状腺肿大率与碘剂量呈明显的剂量反应关系 ;且引起小鼠 10 %、5 0 %、90 %甲状腺肿大率的水碘浓度分别为 2 5 0 ,15 0 0 ,30 0 0μg/L ,当饮水碘浓度为 2 5 0μg/L时 。
Objective To study the dose reaction relationship between the goiter rate of mice and different iodine doses. And to determine the different iodine doses about goiter rate of 10%,50%,90% resulted bydriking water including dififerent iodine(I ),so as to provide the date for chosing propel iodine dose of high iodine.Methods The mice after weaning were divided into seven groups by randomized block design. The mice were fed for 100 days with distilled water including different KIO 3 doses,which iodine(I ) density were 50 μg/L,250, 500, 1 000 ,1 500,2 000,3 000 μg/L respectively.50 μg/L group was middle iodine group or control group,the groups of 250~3 000 μg/L were different high iodine groups.Results ①The positive correlation was observed between the thyroid absolute and relative weight and different iodine doses when iodine doses were between 250~3000 μg/L.The thyroid absolute and relative weight of mice in 250 μg/L group was significantly different from that in 50 μg/L group. The thyroid tissue of mice showed colloid goiter.②The positive correlation was observed between the goiter rate of mice and iodine doses. The iodine doses which the goiter rates of mice were 10%, 50%, 90% resulted by different iodine closes were 250, 1 500,3 000 μg/L respectively.Conclusions When iodine close was between 250~3 000 μg/L,the dose reaction relationship was observed between the goiter rate and iodine oses. The iodine doses which the goiter rate of mice were 10%,50%,90% resulted by different iodine doses were 250,1 500,3 000 μg/L respectively. And which the dose of iodine was 250 μg/L was able to induce colloid goiter of mice.
Chinese Jouranl of Endemiology