目的 研究和掌握青海省首发人间鼠疫病例的流行学特征 ,提出切实可行的鼠疫防治措施。方法 以青海省人间鼠疫病例为基础资料 ,经流行病学统计分析 ,评价鼠疫流行病学特征。结果 青海省首发人间鼠疫病例的主要传染源为喜马拉雅旱獭 ,占 73.7% ;偶蹄类和食肉类动物占 16 .5 % ;175例首发病例中 ,原发型腺鼠疫和败血型鼠疫 ,在接触旱獭和野生动物时 ,主要经皮肤和口腔感染 ,易导致继发性肺鼠疫发生 ;在性别、年龄、职业和民族分布中 ,依据接触染疫动物频次和在疫源地内活动时间长短而有所不同 ;4~ 12月都有人间鼠疫发生 ,高峰在 8月。结论 青海高原人间鼠疫具有流行年代长、病程短、传播快、病死率高 。
Objective Based on the epidemiologic date of the first human plague case(175) and analyses of epidemic pattern, bring the measure up for plague prevention and cure.Methods With the human plague the case as a foundation data in Qinghai province, and was statisticsed by epidemiologic analysis.Results Marmota himalayana acted as major infectious reservoir for up to 73.5% of the first case, artiodactyls and carnivora that could transmit plague in human comprised 15.66%. of the 175 human cases, primary bubonic and septicaemic plague were caused predominantly through skinning and oral cavity of infected marmota or wild animals and liable to change to secondary pneumonia. Distributions of sex, age, profession and race were all correspondent to to the intimacy with infected animals and the time of stay in endemics. Seasonal pattern analyses revealed that the epidemic could occur through April to December, with a peak around August.Conclusions Control measures should be absolutely necessary and based on epidemiologic data.
Chinese Jouranl of Endemiology