目的 对收治的腺鼠疫疑似病例进行临床分析 ,探讨亚热带地区鼠疫病例的临床特点。方法 对97例鼠疫疑似病例进行临床分析 ,测定血清 F1 抗体、体液标本 F1 抗原和细菌分离培养 ,鼠疫病例分别给予链霉素、四环素、环丙沙星和头孢噻肟钠等药物治疗。结果 97例鼠疫疑似病例中确诊为腺鼠疫 34例 ,表现为高热、烦躁 ,强迫体位的典型腺鼠疫表现占 32 .3% ,不典型病例为 6 7.7%。腺鼠疫病例在儿童组和成年组呈均匀分布 ,分别为 4 2 .4 %和 5 7.6 %。腺鼠疫多发于腹股沟淋巴结 ,为 6 9.9%。 F1 抗原检测为 1∶ 10 2 4 0。结论 不典型的腺鼠疫病例可按 (GB- 15 991- 1995鼠疫诊断标准 )鼠疫血清学间接血凝试验 (IHA )检测 F1 抗体来确诊 ,F1
Objective To study the clinical patterns of human plague epidemics occurred in subtropics zone, and analyzed clinically the suspected cases.Methods Ninety seven suspected cases were analyzed clinically, diagnosis could be made on bacteriology and the detection of serum F 1 antibody and humour F 1 antigen, cases of plague were treated with streptomycin, tetracycline, compound sulfamethoxazole, ciprofloxacin and cefotaxime sodium.Results There were 34 cases of bubonic plague in 97 suspected cases, patients with plague suffered from hyperpyrexia and dysthesia. 32.3% bubonic plague cases showed compulsive posture. Cases of bubonic plague distributed uniformly in child group(42.4%) and adult group(57.6%).Conclusions Cases of bubonic plague were diagnosed by Diagnosis Standard of Epidemics. Detection of humour F 1 antigen was helpful to early diagnosis.
Chinese Jouranl of Endemiology