目的 SD大鼠是研究哺乳动物内耳毛细胞损伤与修复的常用模型之一,了解SD大鼠听功能及听觉脑干通路发育情况,为进一步研究提供正常对照。方法我们对不同龄的SD大鼠进行了脑干电位检测。结果发现SD大鼠在出生17天时引出脑干诱发电位,出生35天的SD大鼠脑干电位与成年鼠差异无显著性。结论 SD大鼠在出生35天后听觉脑干通路间联系基本发育完成。
Purpose To observe the development of hearing in SD rats. Methods The auditory brainstem responses (ABR) were recorded in different age groups of SD rats. Results We find that they have ABR wave 17 days after birth, and there is no significant difference in the ABR between mature rats and those 35 days after birth. Conclusion The hearing function of SD rats becomes mature 35 days after birth.
Chinese Journal of Ophthalmology and Otorhinolaryngology