随着IT技术的飞速发展及与控制工程的融合 ,作为流程工业现代化的重要支柱 -过程自动化系统 ,也有了长足的进步。这表现在两个方面 :其一是过程自动化的技术组成有了很大的变化 ,特别是过程模型技术在其中所起的作用越来越突出 ;其二是过程自动化的架构体系也愈加趋向完善 ,从而进一步促使过程自动化向着高精度、高性能的精益控制方向发展。现就其中的若干问题 ,特别是有关其核心技术 -过程模型与方法问题 。
The development of IT technology spurs on the flying horse to full speed and in the meanwhile IT technology is permeated by control engineering,based on which,process automatic system as the mainstay of process industry,also makes a quite great progress. It lies in two aspects. Firstly,process automation′s technology composition has changed a lot,especially process model technology gradually gives prominence effect. Secondly,the structure system of process automation is becoming more and more perfect,which promote the growing of control direction towards high precision and high performace. Now in this paper,it gives deep expatiation on some problems,especially the problem on kernel technology which is process model and method.
Control Engineering of China