体操教学中学生易产生心理障碍 ,这不利于学生很好地掌握体操动作 ,也在一定程度上影响了体操教学的正常秩序的顺利开展 .针对这一问题 ,通过对湖北大学体育学院 2 0 0 0级体育教育专业 6 7人的问卷调查 ,分析了学生产生心理障碍的原因 ,并找出排除心理障碍的有效途径 ,以有助于提高教学质量 。
In gymnastics teaching,students are apt to have psychological obstacles.Thus,students may not learn skills properly,and to some extent,it may also affect the normal order and development of gymnastics teaching .By making a questionnaire among 67 students majoring in physical education of Grade 2000 in the School of Physical Education,it was studied the possible causes of students' psychological obstacles,and supplied the effective solutions to removing those obstacles,which would be helpful for the improvement and the smooth development of gymnastics teaching.
Journal of Hubei University:Natural Science