根据煤质特点 ,伯方煤矿选煤厂末煤分选系统采用末原煤脱泥、有压三产品旋流器分选、煤泥直接浮选、尾煤浓缩压滤的联合流程 ;主厂房采用了国内先进的钢结构 ,建筑体积小 ,建设周期短 ;主要设备均为国内先进厂家生产 ,全系统集控与自动化水平较高 ,各项技术指标达到了设计要求。
Based on coal characteristics, the fine coal separation circuit at Paofang Coal Preparation Plant employed: de slimed feed, three product HM clone operated on pressure feed, direct flotation of slime pulp, and thickening followed by pressure filtering for flotation tailing. The main building of the plant employed steel structure of advanced design, giving smaller building volume and shorter construction time. The technical level of both centralized control and automation is rather high and all performance indices are found meeting the design requirement.
Coal Processing & Comprehensive Utilization