在分析沈阳城区 (三环路以内 )地貌、第四系、基岩分布及大量钻孔资料的基础上 ,通过综合地球物理和地球化学探测发现城区存在 1 2条长度大于 6km的隐伏断裂 ;进一步的断层活动性分析表明 ,1 2条断裂中有 6条为第四纪断裂 ,其中包括 2条中更新世断裂。
Based on the analysis of geomorphology,Quaternary and a lot of drill materials,12 hidden faults of length more than 6km in the shenyang urban area are determined by applying means as geophysical exploration and geochemical survey The activity analysis shows that 6 faults in the 12 are active in Quaternary,and 2 faults active in mid pleistocene
Seismological Research of Northeast China