本文从硐室结构静力稳定角度出发 ,针对重庆国际大厦下伏拟建重庆轻轨朝———沙线主硐的具体情况 ,对是否采用桩基的不同条件 ,进行了硐室结构受力状态和变形特点的数值分析。分析结果表明采用桩基不仅可以减少地表下沉 ,保证硐室稳定 ,而且能有效控制大楼基础的不均匀沉降。
From the view point of static stability of chamber structure in the case of the main tunnel for the Chao-Sha light rail line under the Chongqing Guoji Mansion, a numerical analysis on loading state and deformation character of chamber structure under different conditions of foundation was carried out. The results of analysis show that the application of pile foundation will reduce the surface subsidence and ensure the stability of the tunnel as well. Meanwhile, the uneven subsidence of the building could be controlled.
Underground Space