模式移植是世界大学发展史上的一种带有普遍意义的现象。发生在不同时代、不同国家的大学模式移植在过程、主导、内容等方面具有不同的特点。就过程而言 ,有主动移植与被动移植两种 ;就主导而言 ,有政府主导与大学主导之分 ;就内容而言 ,有外来模式与内部传统的调适与冲突。
Transplanting models is universal phenomenon in the world history of university. The transplanting models of university occurred in different countries or different times has different characteristics in the process, dominant factor and content. Generally speaking, the transplanting can be classified into two types: initiative one and passive one. Government or university is dominant factor of transplanting models. Analyzing these characteristics is helpful to understanding the transplanting models of university exactly.
Modern University Education