大专及高职教育本质上是一种就业教育 ,随着就业市场的日益开放 ,这类毕业生出现就业“难”已不可避免。这种现象主要与国家目前实施适度从紧经济政策、体制改革、产业结构调整以及目前大专及高职教育在教学观念、教学内容上存在明显不足有关。解决这一难题的主要途径在于继续实行积极的财政政策 ,保持国民经济适度增长 ,同时大力推行大专教育改革。
The essence of college & institute education is higher vocatinal education.With the open of China's job market, graduates from colleges and institutes cannot avoid the difficulty of getting a job.the writer thinks that this phenomenon is related to two reasons: the present situation of our country, including the present tightly-controlled economic policy, the reform of state system, the adjustment of the industrial organizational structure; the teaching ideology of institute and its inadequacy in teaching contents. This article also gives some suggestions about the solution to this problem from the angles of the society and institutes.
Journal of Guangzhou Finance & Trade Management Institute