目的 研究医科学生A型行为类型者对应激反应的逻辑特征。方法 采用A型行为类型量表将 79名医科学生测量并分型后 ,分别测量应激与安静状态下的血浆皮质醇指标 ,并作统计与逻辑四项指标的分析。结果 A型行为类型者对应激反应指标表明应激时与安静时的反应具有差异性特征。A型行为分型与反应指标之间具有共同的逻辑差异性特征。
Objective To find out their logic relation of type A behavior to stress response of plasma cortisol.Methods 79 cases determined for type A behavior using psychological questionnaire were used to analyze the concentrations of plasma of those type A and non type A medical students during quite and stress state and their relation by statistical and logic quality research.Results There was different response of plasma cortisol between non A and A type groups.Similarly,there was the same logic relation between types of A and non A type behavior and stress response.Conclusion The stress response features type A behaviors is corresponding with behavior classification.
Chinese Journal of Primary Medicine and Pharmacy